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Yoga Oasis workshops are amazing ways to make progress in your practice
We update our workshop schedule often.
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Upcoming dates for our Inversion workshops
January 12, 2019
January 29, 2019
February 9th, 2019
FEBRUARY 2019, at Maui Hot Yoga.
Start here, finish there, there are options!
Yoga & Art Workshops
The Wild Woman Awakening is a sacred space where we, as women, come together to heal our hearts through movement, sound healing, real talk, and ecstatic dance. This project is born out of the need for women to remember who we are and what we are here for, and inspired by the bestseller Women Who Run With Wolves.
All women are welcome!
NO experience necessary.
Our New Beginning will start at the turn of the New Year meeting twice a month, approximately the
first and third Thursday over the course of 6 months. Every month we will explore a new, exciting,
and juicy topic to help us bellow the spark of truth, beauty, and love. Space is limited to 10 women
per session in an effort to maximize and concentrate the experience.
January 17
February 7 & 21
March 14 & 21
April 4 & 18
May 2 & 16
June 6 & 20
Yoga, creative visualization and art experience with Stacey Hirschmann
Sunday January 20th 1-3
in this workshop we will take a journey to deepen our connection with our creative spirit. Beginning with a gentle, heart opening yoga practice we will open our creative channels and align ourselves to open to creative inspiration!
Then we PAINT!
Cost includes materials
$65 day of