work trade application
At Yoga Oasis we love to share the love of yoga and would never want money to get in the way.
We offer work trade for memberships as well as for yoga teacher trainings.
Students earn 1 yoga class for each hour worked.
Positions we are seeking assistance for are:
1. Front desk administrator
2. Teachers assistant
3. Studio cleaner
4. Data input
5. Student outreach
6. Social media & marketing
We are seeking studio assistance for these shifts:
Work Trade programs are designed to be on a set schedule and you are required to sign in with the mind body time clock to track your hours. You may download the app and clock in to your shift from your iPhone or from the front desk. Please understand the true nature of Karma Yoga. This is a training in selfless service and it will give you valuable tools to better understand the deeper teachings of yoga. Plus you get to be around amazing people and great vibes. We that we regard volunteers as a vital and integral part of the organization. Therefore, we are looking for dedicated and dependable individuals that highly value the opportunity to earn classes. You can bank yo your hours to use over time for your future classes or for your yoga training.
Work-Trade Students are responsible to find another work-trade student to substitute for any absences, and notify the office and teacher as well.
We ask for a 6 month weekly commitment.